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The New Generation That Swept us All in.

We are all living today in a virtual society. The gap between real world and virtual self is fast filling even as you read this. When we say Real world, it comprises of emotions, expressions, behavior, relationships and ourselves. We all are practically living out on our digital personalities; be it in professional or personal lives. What exactly happened that changed the entire meaning of human connect and interaction..? Is it happening for the betterment or worse..? Well, like any other discussions there are three sides of the story - good, bad, and moderate. About a decade ago, the then upcoming social media platforms like facebook and twitter started creating buzz among youngsters. It had a connect with the youth and it was then natural to think that just youngsters, college goers and likewise demographics would be attracted to these platforms. But who would have thought that these platforms and many others would sweep-in all generations together and metaphorically envelope

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